Friday, May 17, 2013

Build Vocabulary with Prefixes and Suffixes THIRD GRADE VOCABULARY

Build Vocabulary with Prefixes and Suffixes

Learning prefixes and suffixes is a great way to boost vocabulary quickly. But, these letter combos are best learned in the context of the words that they create. Here's a game to get your child thinking about these beginnings and endings, in between a lot of shouting and laughing.

What You Need:

  • Index cards
  • Markers
  • Dictionary
What You Do:
Step 1: Go over these lists of prefixes and suffixes with your child:
Common Prefixes

Common Suffixes
-ableable tounbelievable
-ousfull ofdangerous
-nessstate of beinghappiness
-fulfull ofwonderful
-ly or -ylikegently
-mentstate ofgovernment

Step 2: Ask your child to take the stack of index cards and label each card with a prefix or suffix from the list above.
Step 3: Shuffle all the cards and turn them face down in one pile. As the dealer, it's your job to flip over the top card and lay it face up. The first player who can shout out a word that uses the prefix or suffix correctly, and can provide the definition of the prefix or suffix, gets to keep that card for their pile. You may want to keep a dictionary handy, just in case some funny words come tumbling out. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins!

Jane Oh has taught third and fourth grades for 8 years. She has worked with many diverse groups of students. Most recently, she has written teacher textbook guides.

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